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- Autobiography of a Word Processor
- Software Design Pattern in Software Architecture: Why to use and its types
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- FaceBook Poke and Poke War
- Characteristics of a Good Software
- How does inheritance work in Java?
- Pros and Cons of Inheritance in OOPS
- What is Software Bug ? Defect Life Cycle Explained
- Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Testing Activity
- Difference between method Overloading and Overriding in OOPs
- Watir – Open Source Web Testing tool
- OOPs Polymorphism : Its Advantages & Disadvantages
- Java Virtual Machine
- Abstraction V/s Encapsulation
- Interoperability and Compatibility Testing
- OOPS : Advantages and Features Of Object Oriented Programming
- Abstraction in OOPs
- Encapsulation in OOPS
- Performance Testing
- What is Testing and Debugging
- Test Plan V/s Test Strategy
- Manual V/s Automation Testing
- Benefits and Drawbacks of Manual Testing
- Adhoc Testing, Monkey testing and Exploratory Testing
- Difference between Testing and Debugging
- What is Exhaustive Testing?
- Verification V/s Validation in Software Testing
- What is Unit Testing?
- Benefits of Unit Testing
- Windmill – Open Source Web Testing Tool
- Integration Testing in Software Testing
- Functional and Non-Functional Software Testing
- What is Black Box testing ? Various Techniques
- Benefits and Drawbacks of Black Box testing
- White Box testing
- Pros and Cons of White Box testing
- Drivers and Stubs in Software Testing
- Difference in Stubs and Drivers
- Difference between load and stress testing
- What is Beta Testing?
- What is a Proxy Server?
- Client Server Network Architecture
- Client Server Network : Advantages and Disadvantages
- P2P - What is Peer-to-Peer Network Architecture?
- Peer-to-Peer (P2P) : Advantages and Disadvantages
- Network Topology and Different Types of Network Topologies
- What is Bus Topology ? Advantages and Disadvantages
- What is Star Topology ? Advantages and Disadvantages
- What is Ring Topology ? Advantages and Disadvantages of Ring Topology
- What is Mesh Topology ? Advantages and Disadvantages
- What is Tree Topology ? Advantages and Disadvantages
- What is Hybrid Topology ? Advantages and Disadvantages
- Waterfall Model of SDLC
- Waterfall Model : Advantages and Disadvantages
- What is Prototype Model of SDLC? Advantages and Disadvantages
- Difference between Prototype Model and Waterfall Model
- What is Spiral Model of SDLC? Advantages and Disadvantages
- Difference between Test Case v/s Test Scenario in Software Testing
- Behavioral Design Patterns in Software Design
- Creational Design Patterns in Software Design
- Structural Design Patterns in Software Design